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Role-Playing Scenarios for Parents and Children

1) You are at your friend "Jane's"(use a real name because children don't often understand the hypotheticals and need a better frame of reference) house and her dad asks you to come upstairs and look at a toy in his bedroom. 

-Bedrooms, especially those of older siblings and parents should be off limits, and when playing in a friend's bedroom the door should always be left open. 

2) Your neighbor "Johnny" shows up after schools and says "Your mom is late and asked me to pick you up for her". 

-Create a code-word with your child. If the person attempting to pick them up doesn't know they code word, then they should NEVER, by any means, go anywhere with them. 

3) Your friend "Tommy" says he wants to show you something but you have to keep it a secret from your mom and dad. 

-Secrets are dangerous territory. Ensure you child knows that they should never be asked to keep any secrets from you and to tell you right away if they have been.  

4) You are at the park and a man comes up to you and asks if you would help him and his daughter for a second.

-Teach your child that an adult, especially a stranger, should NEVER ask for help from a child. Also teach them to NEVER accept anything from a stranger unless their "safe-grown" says it's ok. 

Parents: Based on your child's age and maturity, determine ahead of time how you'd like to handle each of these situations and come up with ways for your child to adequately respond to each scenario. 

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