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Safety Checklist

Home Safety

____My home has good outdoor lighting.

____ My doors are secured with effective locks (deadbolts).

____ I always keep my doors and windows locked when they are close, even when I’m home.

____ I have a dog and/or post “Beware of Dog” signs.

____ My spare keys are hidden in a secure place.

____My window AC unit it properly installed and in a window far above the ground.

____I keep safety tools next to my bed and next to the doors in my home.

____ I have a way to see who’s at the door before opening it.

____ I am cautious about who I open my door to.

____I am aware of an listen to my intuition when made to feel uncomfortable.

____I know the signs and red-flags of a potentially abusive relationship.

Parenting and Body Boundaries

____My child knows the anatomical names for his/her body parts.

____I respect my child's body-boundaries and I am consistent in my teachings and actions. 

____If my child is ever lost, he/she knows to find a woman with children to help.

____I role-play situations with my child to ensure they feel comfortable in handling the things we discuss. 

____I talk to my child, pre-teen, or teen on a regular basis about safety topics and how they would respond.

____I know and trust my child's friends and their families.

Safety in Away from Home

____I always listen to my gut and avoid or leave a situation where I’m made to feel uncomfortable.

____In the event of an attack, I feel confident in knowing that I would fight, yell, and do anything possible to get away.

____ I avoid walking alone, especially at night or in isolated areas.

____ I walk confidently with my head up and looking around.

____I feel confident in knowing what to do if someone invades my personal space.

____ I walk without distraction from my phone, headphones, or other distractions.

____ I carry valuables in a secure or concealed location.

____ I have my keys ready when I approach my vehicle or home.

____ I feel comfortable identifying and reporting suspicious behavior.

____ I carry emergency supplies in my car (full auto kit and glass breaking/seat belt-slicing tools)

____ When driving, I keep doors locked and windows rolled most of the way up.

____ I am deliberate about where I park.

____ I lock my car when I leave it and as soon as I get in.

____ I use caution if my car breaks down or I get into an accident, I am cautious and don't feel obligated to get out of the car right away. I know that calling for help from the car is acceptable.

____I always carry an extra phone charger with me.

____I practice a few basic self-defense techniques to ensure they become second nature.

____I know the vital areas to hit in the event of an attack.

____I know that if ever attacked I would fight with all my might because I AM WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

For further education on each topic described, please see our Safety Education E-Course on the products page. 

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